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I made a book!

I made an ebook of all the vegetables I've grown over the past few weeks, with some recipes and tips and tricks for you all to check out....

Final Growth Mindset Project Post

This project has been a lot of fun, a little bit stressful, and incredibly uplifting and educational. The best part about this project...

Flower Seedlings

My flower seedlings did not do so great. Once the weather got warm and it was time to get them out of the cold frame, the seedlings...

Kale and Basil are ready to transplant!

My kale and basil seedlings are finally ready to transplant into the raised beds outside. I let them spend a little extra time in the...

Tomatoes and rain...

I transplanted my tomatoes a few days ago, and over the past few days we have gotten a ton of rain. While this has really helped all the...

Tomatoes have been transplanted!

I was able to transplant my tomatoes on Thursday. It is a bit earlier than I probably should have planted them in the raised beds, but...

Getting Ready To Transplant!

Today was a rainy day, but I plan on transplanting my tomato seedlings this week! I also need to start cucumber seeds, and sow...

New tasks adding to my growth mindset

committing to a task and learning to accept failure: this week I finally have some new tasks to start chipping away at, and once again,...

Personal Growth: Creativity

I've been having a great time exploring the creativity portion of my personal growth through this project by using the flowers that have...

Lot's of Successes this week!

I finally set up my cold frame, so I can transplant all of. my aerogarden seedlings into larger pots. So far all of the vegetables have...

First Failure

So I had my first failure over the weekend. The squirrels completely dug up the northern lettuce I planted in my raised bed. It was...

Finding Creativity

I've been working hard to try and expand on the third personal growth goal I have as part of this project. Just a quick flashback to a...

Growth Mindset Update

I have some big plant updates I meant to post last week, but before I share those photos I wanted to give you all an update on my growth...

The Aerogarden has been started!

I'm excited to say that I finally set up the aerogarden and got my seeds started on Wednesday of this past week. It couldn't have been...

The raised beds are officially thawed!

The ground has mostly thawed and the raised beds are ready to be prepared for planting this weekend! I kept some of the herbs in the...

Seeds Round 2

More seeds have arrived! These are the seeds that will be started in the Aerogarden this weekend. I am the most nervous about growing...


I have decided to propagate my seeds in a few different ways: - seeds directly sown in the raised beds - seeds planted in soil in plastic...

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