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  • Writer's picturerebeccahaviland

Growth Mindset Update

I have some big plant updates I meant to post last week, but before I share those photos I wanted to give you all an update on my growth mindset goals. While I've posted growth mindset updates the past two weeks, I thought I'd expand on that more here.

committing to a task: this has been a bit tricky for me as I've been completely overloaded with my heavy course load of teaching this semester, as well as working on writing a new album, and visiting family for the holidays. I have stayed focused though, and found time to start seeds in between classes, or at the end of the night with a glass of wine :) That is my favorite time to plant seeds. I can read the directions, use the process to relax, and take advantage of the aerogarden setup in my house, or, as I'll do later this week, even start seeds in my garage at the end of the day now that the weather is warm.

I am concerned as gigs start to pick up that it will be a little tricky to balance the care for the garden. It is going to require an adjustment to my schedule, potentially getting up earlier to take care of things before my music day starts. I also need to educate myself on watering schedules so I understand the care that might need to happen as travel for gigs begins to pick up.

Learning to accept failure: I grew some seedlings this past week! So I succeeded! This feels really good. I did all the prep work, educated myself, followed the directions, and got some plants both in my raised beds and in my aerogarden! I did have a few seeds not germinate from the swiss chard, but the beauty if growing seeds is I know get to try again!

Finding creativity and value in myself outside of my art: this has still been a hard one to achieve with the seedlings at this point. I am getting excited to start cooking with some of the vegetables I grow in the garden, but I haven't gotten to that point yet. Cooking has always given me an opportunity to flex that creative muscle outside of music, so this will be a nice connector hopefully in a few weeks when I'm ready to harvest some of the vegetables. I am going to be adding two more raised beds next week that I can grow cut flowers in. I'm hoping this will also fuel some creativity down the line with flower arrangements!!

Lastly, here is the baby seed photo I took on March 30th!!

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