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  • Writer's picturerebeccahaviland

Tomatoes have been transplanted!

I was able to transplant my tomatoes on Thursday. It is a bit earlier than I probably should have planted them in the raised beds, but it was now or never as I have a ton of gigs and work on the horizon the next 2 weeks.

Committing to a task has been difficult this week. I have a lot of other responsibilities this week including grading all of my courses, and prepping lots of music for a few upcoming gigs. So this has been the biggest test for this specific growth goal. I may have planted them too soon, but it had to be done on thursday or it would not have gotten done until thursday of this week.

In terms of creativity, I have also had zero time to do anything creative this week. I am working 12-14 hour days between teaching, graduate school, and gigs returning. I am happy to be working so much, but there is absolutely no room for creativity at this moment and I have ordered take out multiple times this week...

In terms of accepting potential failures, I have accepted the fact that my tomatoes might have gone in the ground too early, and that I have technically succeeded in starting them from seed and getting them to this point. I do really want to keep them alive, so I am continuing to check on them every day and taking the necessary daily steps towards their care including watering, protecting them from any cold temperatures, spraying them with neem oil to protect them from bugs, and hoping they survive the next few rainy days.

Fingers crossed! I can't control the weather!

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